
Diablo 2 lich mod
Diablo 2 lich mod

diablo 2 lich mod diablo 2 lich mod

I even bought the Necromancer for Diablo 3, but none of them felt as satisfying as commanding your army of skeletons, revives and golems in D2. Guild Wars, Titan Quest, Torchlight, Grim Dawn (base game). His abilities just feel like you're doing something wrong and it feels awesome! Ever since D2, I've tried playing Necromancer or necromancer-type classes in other games. Raising skeletons from corpses and exploding corpses in D2, it truly felt like you're using dark magic.

diablo 2 lich mod

I never found a necromancer that felt quite the same. Still, I've always wanted to find a game that gives me the feeling I had playing as the D2 Necromancer. But I don't want to support Blizzard anymore after everything. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games ever and the Necromancer is a big reason why. I admit I've been excited about Diablo 2: Resurrected ever since it first got revealed.

Diablo 2 lich mod